Spin Master Toys has Instagram Account Devoted to Etch-A-Sketch

Spin Master Toys is ‘Shaking Things Up’ with an Instagram account devoted to the classic vintage toy Etch-A-Sketch.

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According to Spin Master’s Instagram account, Etch-A-Sketch is coming up on a milestone anniversary, and they are directly asking fans: What do you want to see from Etch-a-Sketch?

We’re shaking things up next year and celebrating an etchtastic milestone! 🎉 We would love your help on making it the best year yet. What would you like to see from @itsetchasketch in 2020? 🤔 Let us know in the comments below!


It’s no secret in the toy community that Etch-A-Sketch devotees have no shortage of love for the classic drawing board. While users like myself are pleased that they can draw a (debatable) straight line on the thing, other etching masters have been able to create stunning, recognizable art pieces on the toy for decades.


Born in 1960 and originally named L’Écran Magique, it was soon renamed into Etch-A-Sketch and has been the familiar pop culture mainstay as we know it. While there are stories about how the toy came to be, and how many toy manufacturers turned the inventor of the item down, Spin Master celebrates its acquired franchise and embraces the community of artists who design art on its medium.

All the way into social media, 21st century style.


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