16 Discount Toys We Saw On Big Lots’ Shelves That Totally Tried To Control Our Minds


1) Classic Looking Transformers Toys


Very cool toys for a very bold price…on the discount rack at that! Let go of my tenders, Hasbro!


2) Classic-Looking Transformers – Mini Versions!

Everyone loves the Chibis. Except all the people who didn’t purchase these.


3) Brand-New Ninja Turtles Toys (Discount Rack Style!)

Wait, but aren’t these…new?


4) More Saban-Bandai Power Rangers Toys That No One Wants…

Good thing Bandai figured out what to do with their apparent surplus of yellow plastic…I’ve actually never seen these junk wads, and I think my day could have continued not knowing they exist…


5) That Terrible String-Activated BB8 Toy My Kids Broke…

In a world where toys can fly, these had a string like black licorice to make him go. Not a good idea…


6) A ‘Robot Leasder’ who at that price, better cook my dinner and do my homework…


7) Groot. Just….Groot.


8) More discount Wrestling Toys!


9) Octopus….Pier….Attack

That octopus’ face is probably the best thing I’ve seen in a very…very…very long time.

Look at that determination! He’s gunna GECHOO!


10) Batman army

Whatever, I think they’re cool.


11) Totally not G.I. Joe

This guy looked like he was a star in the 80s and would do anything to make a comeback.



12) Honest-Faced Kristoff Frozen Playset 


He has that Barney Rubble appeal that some women love


13) Bootleg Ponies Vs. Legit Ponies

Round One: FIGHT.


15) Matchbox Vs. Hot Wheels…literally across from each other.

It’s like the neighbors across the street who hate each other and you’re the neutral guy that they’re constantly trying to bribe and manipulate and now you regret ever having moved into the neighborhood.


16) Kinetic…freakin’…SAND

::flips off box, leaves store::



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