GameStop is Having a Massive $10 Statue Sale

Power to the players? More like power to my wallet! And by power, I mean power draining has been initiated.


In a surprise move from GameStop, a sudden $10 Statue Clearance sale is in effect. From what we can see, this sale extends to their stores and website. Some items are available in their brick and mortar facilities and some are exclusive to the internet.

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Currently, GameStop’s website has 335 items, which is 28 pages of $10 statue sale. There are video game pieces, Marvel/DC pieces, and cartoon items. Some of these toys are discounted to $10 from nearly $90, so this might be huge for collectors that are trying to do what they can to save money where applicable.

So, you know…all of us.

Will you be hitting Game Stop today? I know I will be! Good luck and happy hunting!



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