Toynami’s Sonic x Hello Kitty Crossover Toys Still Exist (And We Need to Collect Them Now)


In 2016, Toynami introduced a fabulous pop culture crossover. The toys in question?

Hello Kitty meets Sonic the Hedgehog.

Now, simmer down toy and internet purists– before you yell at us Wizards that this is not toy news, keep a few things in mind.

Because we’re just trying to have some fun here.

One, information on the internet moves so fast that sometimes you have to go backwards. Two, Toy Wizards is a baby site ourselves, so we weren’t around to report on these cuties in 2016. And three, no one else did either. Therefore, let’s celebrate our friends at Toynami and their Hello Kitty x Sonic the Hedgehog crossovers.

Hey, if Spongebob can have meme toys, Kitty-chan can play dress up. And remember, Hello-Kitty is celebrating her 45th anniversary and even fought a Gundam! There’s nothing she can’t do!

Featuring Hello Kitty as Sonic, Badtz-Maru as Knuckles, Chococat as Tails, and My Melody as Amy, there are three toy types to choose from. Vinyl blind box figures, 6″ plush, and 10″ plush. Both the blind boxes and plush are available on Amazon, so if you missed these toys the first time, you can still pick yours up.

So, what’s next in Hello Kitty and video game crossovers? Do you want to see her as Mario? Classic Taito characters? Final Fantasy?!

Wait! We’ve got it.

Hello Kitty Spongebob toys.

We’re ready.


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One comment

  1. John Sorensen – Bat-Fan Extraordinaire. Able to leap over plot-holes in a single bound, Likes: punching crime in the face. Dislikes: villainous fiends!
    John Sorensen says:

    These are like Kawaii to the power of a million.
    Very cool toys.

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