Power Rangers Lightning Collection 2-Pack Appears Featuring Psycho Red Ranger and Lost Galaxy Red Ranger

Best Buy dropped a bombshell today.

Whether or not it was the time to announce it they did. We will have another Power Rangers Lightning Collection two pack from Hasbro this year.

The two pack of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Red  vs Power Rangers In Space Psycho Red is very interesting two pack to say the least. Foremost to my thoughts is ‘Hot damn, they actually got a face sculpt right on the actor Danny Slavin for Lost Galaxy Red’ and second, ‘They made a new mold already for the Psycho Rangers’.

This means we will be getting a full team and not a half try as Bandai left us all hanging. Will they make a Psycho Green? Best Buy doesn’t not have these up for pre order yet, only marked as coming soon retail for $39.99.


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