The Loyal Subjects Add Cartoon Beetlejuice and TMNT Leonardo to BST AXN Lineup


Damn right it’s show time! And on normal days we here at Toy Wizards attempt to report on toy news with a sense of measured approach and professional language, I’m going to have to break the fourth wall for this one.


Via Toy Shiz on Instagram

Bro– look at this. Discovered via Toy Shiz on Instagram, one of the coolest toy news breakers on the playground, we receive news that The Loyal Subjects are releasing a BST AXN action figure based off Beetlejuice The Cartoon. And seriously, its color pallet is perfect. I love the Beetlejuice cartoon. And while I do not have the details of what goes into obtaining licenses and who holds the rights to what, it’s surprised me that NECA hasn’t yet revealed a Beetlejuice cartoon series version in its Toony Classics line. Or a Scott Howard from Teen Wolf the cartoon series (one of my favorites as a kid) but that’s a conversation for another day.

The pinkish-purple skin. The YELLOW hair. Not green! It’s perfect. When I was a kid, I wanted a sleazy ghost best friend in a suit so badly. And between Beetlejuice from the cartoon and Drop Dead Fred, the early 90s was chock full of kooky men who just wanted to be my bud. But The Loyal Subjects is leading that torch to the finish line with their STUNNING cartoon version Beetlejuice. So far, these have been Walmart exclusives and I’m sure that The Ghost with the Most here will be no exception. It’s just so good I could cry. The only Beetlejuice cartoon toys I have are some dinky vinyl pieces. But they’re my dinky vinyls, dammit.

Via Toy Shiz on Instagram

Oh, yeah, and The Loyal Subjects are also doing Leonardo. ::exits room unceremoniously::

No, no– just kidding. We have things to say about this toy, so let’s open a dialogue.

First and foremost, I think it’s great that The Loyal Subjects in its BST AXN line has created a cartoon style Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figure that will also be hitting Walmart. Remember, all of these figures are about $20. This means that you can get a really great looking cartoon accurate Turtle Boy for less than a Marvel Legend or any of the figures in the Hasbro Engine. If you missed out on NECA’s Cartoon Turtles and don’t want to shell out (see what I did there?) for Super7’s Ultimates, this is a fantastic option. Sometimes we just want a piece to represent but we spend the higher dollars on other select figures. Or Playmates and the chunky beef 90s style isn’t our Peanut Butter Clam Pizza jam. Or, if you’re like me with Avatar: The Last Airbender toys, you’ve got to catch them all. So, with a new Leonardo figure coming out, you can add the leader…yes, Leonardo Leads…and doesn’t do much else…to your collection!

Additional specs are on their way, but expect a few things. 5-5.5 inch scale, $20, a few accessories. Full blown awesomeness.

Source: Toy Shiz

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